Interdisciplinary Competence Center for Interface Research
Campus TUHH (Prof. Alexander Schlaefer, Medical Technology and Machine Learning, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 E)
Campus UKE (Prof. Björn Busse, Bioengineering Section, Lottestr. 55A; Prof. Tobias Knopp, Institute of Biomedical Imaging, Lottestr. 55)
Description: The Interdisciplinary Competence Center for Interface Research (ICCIR) follows an interdisciplinary research approach combining the expertise of biology, biomedical engineering, imaging, robotics, and machine learning to describe and visualize hard and soft tissue interfaces from the organ level down to the nanoscale. In our laboratories, we use a wide range of imaging modalities including high resolution electron and light microscopy, elemental analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, CT imaging, magnetic particle imaging, and ultrasound imaging.
Contact: Email: info{a}; Phone: Max Neidhardt (040-42878-4639), Imke Fiedler (040-7410-26303)